Dipl.-Pharm. Lukas Peltner
Pharmacist & Researcher
Structure Revision of a Widespread Marine Sulfonolipid Class Based on Isolation and Total Synthesis (DOI) – 2024
Dávid Roman, Philippe Meisinger, Richard Guillonneau, Chia-Chi Peng, Lukas K. Peltner, Paul M. Jordan, Veit Haensch, Sebastian Götze, Oliver Werz, Christian Hertweck, Yin Chen & Christine Beemelmanns
The cosmopolitan marine Roseobacter clade is of global biogeochemical importance. Members of this clade produce sulfur-containing amino lipids (SALs) of importance for biofilm formation and marine surface colonization processes. Despite their physiological importance and abundance, SALs have only been explored through genomic mining approaches and lipidomic studies based on mass spectrometry, which left the relative and absolute structures of SALs unresolved hindering progress in biochemical and functional investigations. Here, we report the structural revision of a new group of SALs, which we named cysteinolides, using a combination of analytical techniques, isolation and degradation experiments and total synthetic efforts. Contrary to the previously proposed homotaurine-based structures, cysteinolides are composed of an N,O-acylated cysteinolic acid-containing head group carrying various different (α‑hydroxy) carboxylic acids. We performed the first validated targeted-network based analysis, which allowed us to map the distribution and structural diversity of cysteinolides across bacterial lineages. Beyond offering structural insights, our research provides SAL standards and validated analytical data. This information holds significance for forthcoming investigations into bacterial sulfonolipid metabolism and biogeochemical nutrient cycling within marine environments.
Characterization of Different Inflammatory Skin Conditions in a Mouse Model of DNCB-Induced Atopic Dermatitis (DOI) – 2023
Rebecca Riedl, Annika Kühn, Yvonne Hupfer, Betty Hebecker, Lukas K. Peltner, Paul M. Jordan, Oliver Werz, Stefan Lorkowski, Cornelia Wiegand & Maria Wallert
The mouse model of 2,4-dinitrochlorbenzene (DNCB)-induced human-like atopic dermatitis (hlAD) has been widely used to test novel treatment strategies and compounds. However, the study designs and methods are highly diverse, presenting different hlAD dis- ease patterns that occur after sensitization and repeated challenge with DNCB on dorsal skin. In addition, there is a lack of information about the progression of the disease during the experiment and the achieved pheno- and endotypes, especially at the timepoint when thera- peutic treatment is initiated. We here examine hlAD in a DNCB-induced BALB/cJRj model at different timepoints: (i) before starting treatment with dexamethasone, representing a standard drug control (day 12) and (ii) at the end of the experiment (day 22). Both timepoints display typical AD-associated characteristics: skin thickening, spongiosis, hyper- and parakeratosis, altered cytokine and gene expression, increased lipid mediator formation, barrier protein and antimicrobial peptide abnormalities, as well as lymphoid organ hypertrophy. Increased mast cell infiltration into the skin and elevated immunoglobulin E plasma concentrations indicate a type I allergy response. The DNCB-treated skin showed an extrinsic moderate sub-acute hlAD lesion at day 12 and an extrinsic mild sub-acute to chronic pheno- and endotype at day 22 with a dominating Th2 response. A dependency of the filaggrin formation and expression in correlation to the disease severity in the DNCB-treated skin was found. In conclusion, our study reveals a detailed classification of a hlAD at two timepoints with different inflammatory skin conditions and pheno- and endotypes, thereby providing a better understanding of the DNCB-induced hlAD model in BALB/cJRj mice.
Cannabidiol acts as molecular switch in innate immune cells to promote the biosynthesis of inflammation-resolving lipid mediators (free full text | DOI) – 2023
Lukas K. Peltner, Lars Gluthmann, Friedemann Börner, Simona Pace, Robert K. Hoffstetter, Christian Kretzer, Rosella Bilancia, Federica Pollastro, Andreas Koeberle, Giovanni Appendino, Antonietta Rossi, Marcia E. Newcomer, Nathaniel C. Gilbert, Oliver Werz, Paul M. Jordan
Cannabinoids are phytochemicals from cannabis with anti-inflammatory actions in immune cells. Lipid mediators (LM), produced from polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), are potent regulators of the immune response and impact all stages of inflammation. How cannabinoids influence LM biosynthetic networks is unknown. Here, we reveal cannabidiol (CBD) as a potent LM class-switching agent that stimulates the production of specialized pro-resolving mediators (SPMs) but suppresses pro-inflammatory eicosanoid biosynthesis. Detailed metabololipidomics analysis in human monocyte-derived macrophages showed that CBD (i) upregulates exotoxin-stimulated generation of SPMs, (ii) suppresses 5-lipoxygenase (LOX)-mediated leukotriene production, and (iii) strongly induces SPM and 12/15-LOX product formation in resting cells by stimulation of phospholipase A2 -dependent PUFA release and through Ca2+ -independent, allosteric 15-LOX-1 activation. Finally, in zymosan-induced murine peritonitis, CBD increased SPM and 12/15-LOX products and suppressed pro-inflammatory eicosanoid levels in vivo. Switching eicosanoid to SPM production is a plausible mode of action of CBD and a promising inflammation-resolving strategy.
Differential impact of 5-lipoxygenase-activating protein (FLAP) antagonists on the biosynthesis of leukotrienes and of specialized proresolving mediators (SPM) (DOI) – 2023
Oliver Werz, Philipp Dahlke, Lukas K. Peltner, Paul M. Jordan
Lipoxygenases (LOX) transform arachidonic acid (AA, C20:4) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, C22:6) into bioactive lipid mediators (LM) that comprise pro-inflammatory leukotrienes (LT) but also the specialized pro-resolving mediators (SPM) that promote inflammation resolution and tissue regeneration. The 5-LOX-activating protein (FLAP) is known to provide AA as substrate to 5-LOX for generating LT, such as LTB4 , a potent chemoattractant and activator of phagocytes. Notably, 5-LOX is also involved in the biosynthesis of certain SPM, namely of lipoxins and D-resolvins, implying a role of FLAP in SPM formation. FLAP antagonists have been intensively developed as LT biosynthesis inhibitors but how they impact SPM formation is a matter of debate. Here, we show that FLAP antagonism suppresses conversion of AA by 5-LOX to LT and lipoxins, while the conversion of DHA to SPM is unaffected. Screening of multiple prominent FLAP antagonists for their effects on LM formation in human M1-and M2-monocyte-derived macrophages (MDM) using comprehensive LM profiling showed that all nine compounds reduced production of 5-LOX-derived LTs but elevated formation of SPM from DHA, e.g., resolvin D5. Some FLAP antagonists, especially some that contain an indole or benzimidazole moiety, even elicited SPM formation in resting M2-MDM. Intriguingly, in coincubations of human neutrophils and platelets that produce substantial AA-derived lipoxin and DHA-derived RvD5, FLAP antagonism abolished lipoxin formation, but resolvin D5 levels remained unaffected. Conclusively, antagonism of FLAP suppresses conversion of AA by 5-LOX to LTs and lipoxins but not the conversion of DHA by 5-LOX to SPM, which should be taken into account for the development of such compounds as anti-inflammatory drugs.
Establishment and Characterization of Mild Atopic Dermatitis in the DNCB-Induced Mouse Model (DOI) – 2023
Rebecca Riedl, Annika Kühn, Denise Rietz, Betty Hebecker, Karl-Gunther Glowalla, Lukas K. Peltner, Paul M. Jordan, Oliver Werz, Stefan Lorkowski, Cornelia Wiegand, and Maria Wallert
In dermatological research, 2,4-dinitrochlorbenzene (DNCB)-induced atopic dermatitis (AD) is a standard model as it displays many disease-associated characteristics of human AD. However, the reproducibility of the model is challenging due to the lack of information regarding the methodology and the description of the phenotype and endotype of the mimicked disease. In this study, a DNCB-induced mouse model was established with a detailed procedure description and classification of the AD human-like skin type. The disease was induced with 1% DNCB in the sensitization phase and repeated applications of 0.3% and 0.5% DNCB in the challenging phase which led to a mild phenotype of AD eczema. Pathophysiological changes of the dorsal skin were measured: thickening of the epidermis and dermis, altered skin barrier proteins, increased TH1 and TH2 cytokine expression, a shift in polyunsaturated fatty acids, increased pro-resolving and inflammatory mediator formation, and dysregulated inflammation-associated gene expression. A link to type I allergy reactions was evaluated by increased mast cell infiltration into the skin accompanied by elevated IgE and histamine levels in plasma. As expected for mild AD, no systemic inflammation was observed. In conclusion, this experimental setup demonstrates many features of a mild human-like extrinsic AD in murine skin.
Design, Synthesis, and Pharmacological Characterization of a Potent Soluble Epoxide Hydrolase Inhibitor for the Treatment of Acute Pancreatitis (DOI) – 2023
Simona Musella, Danilo D’Avino, Lukas Klaus Peltner, Veronica Di Sarno, Ida Cerqua, Fabrizio Merciai, Vincenzo Vestuto, Tania Ciaglia, Gerardina Smaldone, Francesca Di Matteo, Simone Di Micco, Valeria Napolitano, Giuseppe Bifulco, Giacomo Pepe, Eduardo Maria Sommella, Manuela Giovanna Basilicata, Giovanna Aquino, Isabel M. Gomez-Monterrey, Pietro Campiglia, Carmine Ostacolo, Fiorentina Roviezzo, Oliver Werz, Antonietta Rossi, and Alessia Bertamino
Acute pancreatitis (AP) is a potentially life-threatening illness characterized by an exacerbated inflammatory response with limited options for pharmacological treatment. Here, we describe the rational development of a library of soluble epoxide hydrolase (sEH) inhibitors for the treatment of AP. Synthesized compounds were screened in vitro for their sEH inhibitory potency and selectivity, and the results were rationalized by means of molecular modeling studies. The most potent compounds were studied in vitro for their pharmacokinetic profile, where compound 28 emerged as a promising lead. In fact, compound 28 demonstrated a remarkable in vivo efficacy in reducing the inflammatory damage in cerulein-induced AP in mice. Targeted metabololipidomic analysis further substantiated sEH inhibition as a molecular mechanism of the compound underlying anti-AP activity in vivo. Finally, pharmacokinetic assessment demonstrated a suitable profile of 28 in vivo. Collectively, compound 28 displays strong effectiveness as sEH inhibitor with potential for pharmacological AP treatment.
Discovery and Optimization of Indoline-Based Compounds as Dual 5-LOX/sEH Inhibitors: In Vitro and In Vivo Anti-Inflammatory Characterization (DOI) – 2022
Ida Cerqua, Simona Musella, Lukas Klaus Peltner, Danilo D’Avino, Veronica Di Sarno, Elisabetta Granato, Vincenzo Vestuto, Rita Di Matteo, Simona Pace, Tania Ciaglia, Rossella Bilancia, Gerardina Smaldone, Francesca Di Matteo, Simone Di Micco, Giuseppe Bifulco, Giacomo Pepe, Manuela Giovanna Basilicata, Manuela Rodriquez, Isabel M. Gomez-Monterrey, Pietro Campiglia, Carmine Ostacolo, Fiorentina Roviezzo, Oliver Werz, Antonietta Rossi, and Alessia Bertamino
The design of multitarget drugs represents a promising strategy in medicinal chemistry and seems particularly suitable for the discovery of anti-inflammatory drugs. Here, we describe the identification of an indoline-based compound inhibiting both 5-lipoxygenase (5-LOX) and soluble epoxide hydrolase (sEH). In silico analysis of an in-house library identified nine compounds as potential 5-LOX inhibitors. Enzymatic and cellular assays revealed the indoline derivative 43 as a notable 5-LOX inhibitor, guiding the design of new analogues. These compounds underwent extensive in vitro investigation revealing dual 5-LOX/sEH inhibitors, with 73 showing the most promising activity (IC50s of 0.41 ± 0.01 and 0.43 ± 0.10 μM for 5-LOX and sEH, respectively). When challenged in vivo in zymosan-induced peritonitis and experimental asthma in mice, compound 73 showed remarkable anti-inflammatory efficacy. These results pave the way for the rational design of 5-LOX/sEH dual inhibitors and for further investigation of their potential use as anti-inflammatory agents.
Beneficial Modulation of Lipid Mediator Biosynthesis in Innate Immune Cells by Antirheumatic Tripterygium wilfordii Glycosides (DOI) – 2021
Kehong Zhang, Simona Pace, Paul M. Jordan, Lukas K. Peltner, Alexander Weber, Dagmar Fischer, Robert K. Hofstetter, Xinchun Chen and Oliver Werz
Tripterygium wilfordii glycosides (TWG) is a traditional Chinese medicine with effectiveness against rheumatoid arthritis (RA), supported by numerous clinical trials. Lipid mediators (LM) are biomolecules produced from polyunsaturated fatty acids mainly by cyclooxygenases (COX) and lipoxygenases (LOX) in complex networks which regulate inflammation and immune responses and are strongly linked to RA. The mechanism by which TWG affects LM networks in RA treatment remains elusive. Employing LM metabololipidomics using ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry revealed striking modulation of LM pathways by TWG in human monocyte-derived macrophage (MDM) phenotypes. In inflammatory M1-MDM, TWG (30 µg/mL) potently suppressed agonist-induced formation of 5-LOX products which was confirmed in human PMNL and traced back to direct inhibition of 5-LOX (IC50 = 2.9 µg/mL). TWG also efficiently blocked thromboxane formation in M1-MDM without inhibiting other prostanoids and COX enzymes. Importantly, in anti-inflammatory M2-MDM, TWG (30 µg/mL) induced pronounced formation of specialized pro-resolving mediators (SPM) and related 12/15-LOX-derived SPM precursors, without COX and 5-LOX activation. During MDM polarization, TWG (1 µg/mL) decreased the capacity to generate pro-inflammatory 5-LOX and COX products, cytokines and markers for M1 phenotypes. Together, suppression of pro-inflammatory LM but SPM induction may contribute to the antirheumatic properties of TWG.